Friday, May 11, 2012

Gia Graduates Pre-K!

Last night was so great! My little girl Gia graduated Pre-k at Union High School. I am so very proud of her. Her she is with her cousin (far right) singing "Tooty Ta Ta".

Here are some pics:

My sister's son William

Little nervous. lol

I was extremely nervous because this would be the first public time my ex-husband and Charles would be at a public program with my whole family. I was really about to throw up on the way to the program. It's something I had dreaded for the past few years. I am very happy to report that no one started a fight or got their butts kicked. 

Dylan was so happy to see his father he ran and jumped into his arms. I know all of this is hard on him. His father is a long haul truck driver and I have a new family, but life goes with the flow and you have to ride along. Gia was not happy to see her Dad. It's always like that and he is about to give me some answers. She should adore him. 

Anyway, the program was so wonderful. They did really good and sang a lot of songs. Gia got to sing a song with a few others for the colors brown and black. The last song in the video had the whole room rolling in laughter. Kids are so special and precious. 

So, this weekend the kids are suppose to go with Donor #1. At first he said Saturday, but he did tell them last night at the program he was going to get them. He better or I'm gonna tell him off. If he don't the kids are going to go to Heather's. She offered and that was really sweet of her. I am going to Charles to have a little time with him and Anna. I guess it's starting to be a weekly thing again. It used to be like that before we started to have problems. I will always have my guard up and that makes me so sad, but I guess everyone is like that. 

Next, week Gia will be home with me and Anna. I am going to get all my stuff straighten up. It's looks like I'll have to maybe move to find a decent job. I would love to be a preschool teacher. Really only kind of teacher I guess I could be. I'll have to check into it. I'm 35, almost 36. It's time to get a job that I will retire at. It's time!

Poor Dylan has to go another whole week. Lol. I feel for him. It's so not far. Here's a pic from this morning. My pen holder was making a rainbow on the floor and he thought it was so cool. Be Blessed!

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