Thursday, May 26, 2011

End of a Chapter

I hate to be right, but this time I was and I'm heartbroken. A four year relationship ended. I'm nine months pregnant and alone. I will have to raise this baby alone. He brought his new girlfriend to my sister's church in front of the whole town. I was in complete shock. He blamed it on me. Said I was being too much of a bitch. All the while texting me and calling me. Saying I love you, and I want you. Until today. I went to the doctor and he didn't call. I text and all I got back was "ok". It was exciting news. Our baby will be induced next weekend. A new life brought into this world into a broken relationship.

What no one knows is I prayed to God to take him away.....and he did. I should be happy, but I'm lost. Hurt, made a fool of, mad, more like pissed. I miss some parts and I just have to get over it. I have no choice. That precious angel will need me. Now, more than ever I have to work on myself, and I will find a man later in life worth my love. He's just NOT here.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

New arrivals:)