Friday, April 8, 2011

WTF Friday

Tonight, Gia is home with me and Dylan is with his Dad. She has acting really weird all day. My father, who I haven't seen in a really long time, came to Lawrence and we only had thirty minutes to see him. Tried to get Gia in the van and she honestly screamed and kicked like she was being kidnapped. I looked for the police to drive up at any moment. She scream the whole through the whole twenty minute ride. Since we wasted so much time with her, we only got to visit with him fifteen minutes. I was rather upset.

Then we get home and I go to dress her for her father and god knows she completely lost it. Another hour of screaming. What should I have done?? Dylan gets off the bus, jumps in his Dad's arms, and she refuses to go. We try everything but she just won't go. Dylan doesn't mind leaving her behind and I told his Dad it might do him good to get a weekend alone with his father.

One of her problem is that here she is treated like a queen. Every demand is given freely. You can't raise a child like that. I think I really need to move her away from her grandparents. That sounds bad, but get this...her father leaves and her grannie takes her shopping to get whatever she wants. Hmmm. Gia knows how to work the system for sure. Of course I didn't get to go to Charles and he got super pissed. I look for him to come over here at any minute.

I didn't want to go anyway. He has his cocky ass son this weekend, and they fight like brothers. His father also fights with him. His father still owes me money. I don't think I need to be in that environment. I will be mad and upset the whole time. Their antics will keep me upset. I rather lay down with my devilish angel and maybe, just maybe get some decent sleep.

I really do miss you. Been a busy week. Not much talk, but it is what it is. Look forward to my Sunday. Looking forward to the smiles you give me. :-)

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